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ES Multi Service Sdn Bhd is a company registered as CIDB ‘Class G5’ contractor. The company is also registered under the Ministry Malaysian Finance. ES Multi Service Sdn Bhd has been established since 2005 with a capital of RM 500,000.00.

Under ES Multi Service Sdn Bhd, there are several subsidiaries and one of them is ES Agro Farm Sdn Bhd which was established on 2009 to operate an agricultural business. Other companies under ES Multi Service Sdn Bhd is Tasnim Travels and Tour which conducting business activities as a travel and Umrah agency. In addition, there is ES Prestij Sdn Bhd which conducts business activities as a cleaning service provider. Also, there is ES Multi Service and Lina Engineering Sdn Bhd conduct activities for vehicle accessories business and has several stores on the peninsula Malaysia.

ES Agro Farm Sdn. Bhd. has various types of business such as :-
  • Cattle, Goat and Shrimp Farming
  • Fresh beef and fulfilling special orders for Aqiqah and Sacrifice.
  • Oil Palm Plantation
  • Agricultural Product Marketing
In 2008, the Economic Crisis hit Malaysia causing a lot of companies in the private sector had to close, employment opportunities were limited and the Malaysian currency to be low. At that time, we started looking for a business that are strong and in high demand for all groups in Malaysia. Cattle farming is a business idea that we will start and develop.
We started the move by buying a piece of land that had an area of 3.2 acres in Kuala Selangor. After that, we built a barn with an area of 3,000 square feet that can accommodate 100 cows. As starting for livestock, we import feedlot cattle from Thailand and placed it at Kuala Selangor.
This year, cattle prices in Thailand are too high and difficult to get stock.
When it was difficult to get stock, we thought of raising cattle breeding in Jelebu, Negeri Sembilan. In the beginning, we bought 6 acres of land and leased 44 acres of land (in the same lot) in Jelebu by assistance from the Negeri Sembilan Land Office. The land is leased for 7 years. At that time, we only planted Indian napier grass. After that, we buy KK cows in Temerloh and Brahman cows imported from Thailand. With that, we have several types of cows namely Cattle Brahman, Thai Friesian Cattle and KK Cattle.
After that, we thought of expanding this livestock by making 7 Red Talapia fish ponds. At the same time, we want to reduce project operating costs. With that, we got the idea of raising lobsters by making 4 ponds. After calculating, we found that the revenue for shrimp poles is higher than Red Talapia. With high demand from buyers made us focus on lobster ponds only.
In 2015, we started thinking about goat breeding to reduce project operating costs in Jelebu, Negeri Sembilan. We have bought 33 goats for breeding purpose.
There are now 106 goats.
In 2017, we had 10 ponds of lobster, 220 goats for breeding, 665 all kinds of cattle, 3 tractors, 4 napier lawn mowers, 2 trucks and 2 Hilux cars. In addition, we has 10 employees including 3 supervisors and a driver on. We also have 78 Thaifriesion cows and 43 cows from it produces 600 liters of milk per day.
This year, after the sales, we have 284 goats, 720 Brahman and village cows (child and parent), 78 Thai Cattle and 25 deers.

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